Tai Chi - Anywhere, Anytime.
A nice little article about Tai Chi and how we can practice it anywhere, anytime, even while on holidays! Tai Chi is not just about coming to class. It’s about using the principles we learn in day to day interactions. Balancing, yielding, breathing, expanding, contracting, grounding, softening and mindfulness
#taichi #taichimaster #everydaytaichi #taichichuanforlife #breathe #breatherelaxenjoy #soften #lovewhatyoudo #breatheitallin #breatheitallinloveitallout #livingthedream #noteasybutworthit❤️
Master Jesse Tsao’s Summer Camp
Corporate Session
Today I had the honour of introducing Qigong and Tai Chi to a corporate group. Kept it simple but challenging with a 3 posture combination. They soon realised how practising Tai Chi can help improve balance, coordination and memory! The video is so they can practice at home. I love teaching beginners. There’s so much to explore. ❤️#taichi #taichichuan #movingmeditation #qigong #qigongpractice #standingmeditation #lovewhatyoudo #shibashi #selfcare #selfcarematters
Rooster Crowing in the Morning Mist
Wise Owl Turns its Head
Rooster Crowing in the Morning Mist! This was so much fun, with kangaroos and ducks in the background. It was a magical experience.